Good Picture 2012: Imaging Matters

An RPS Symposium

On Saturday 15 December 2012, the Imaging Science Group of the Royal Photographic Society held another in its series of Good Picture tutorial seminars. The programme is detailed below together with links to some of the papers presented. These have been made available by kind permission of the authors. More may be added if and when the files become available to us.

This was the 10th in our series of annual Good Picture symposia. The aim of these lectures and discussions is to provide imaging practitioners, keen amateurs and students with insights into Digital Imaging and provide some tools and guidelines for assessing cameras and output.


Dr. Mark Buckley-Sharp ARPS: Digital Projection for Photographic Quality
The market is flooded with digital projectors, without the suppliers necessarily addressing the need for quality photographic reproduction. What to buy? How much to pay? What are the technology trends? When to replace? And, most of all, how to set up your system properly. These questions apply whether you are running a home system, going out to lecture, or accepting other authors’ images for display anywhere from your Club to an international exhibition.

Dr. Andrew Scott: Smart Phone – Smart Camera [N.B. Notes accompanying slides appended at end of this 14Mb PDF file]
Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan
The photos from camera phones have been until recently been considered to be compromised compared to those of dedicated digital cameras. Just as with digital cameras, smart phones have partaken in their own megapixel race. With megapixels now reaching double figures and several other improvements, their image quality rivals that of many dedicated point and shoot cameras. However, with their many sensors, location awareness, wireless connectivity, programmability, and processing power similar to that of a laptop, camera phones can offer so much more. This talk will look at the burgeoning field of smart phone cameras, their evolution, the current state of the art, the limitations and challenges that will hopefully be overcome in the near future. Also demonstrated will be some of the latest software and hardware advances in mobile camera technology.

Anna Fricker: Preserving Print – The Humidity Sensitivity of Inkjet Prints
London College of Communications
The sensitivity of inkjet prints to elevated humidity is one of the potential causes of image quality deterioration. This presentation will examine the stability of such prints under high humidity conditions and will address some of the factors affecting humid bleed.

David Bishop and Marie Jones: Clinical Photography – Work in Progress
We will describe the impact that digital processes have had on medical and surgical techniques such as: maxillary osteotomy planning and skin cancer monitoring – dermoscopy. We will evaluate the benefits of digital processes, preferred methods and cost-effectiveness. Is a large return from a small investment in equipment and imaging possible? Topical issues to be discussed are a) projects currently undertaken on a regular basis, a brief overview of selected topics e.g. 3D imaging, b) photography as an adjunct in the treatment of Afghan war veterans and c) conventional PR / Corporate imaging as an asset for the clinical photography environment: advertising a hospital’s services; enforcing good clinical practice; promoting new techniques and raising funds for research and development.

Philip Bovey ARPS: The Way We See and Large Format Photography
Retired Senior Civil Servant
Drawing on the work of Pirenne (“Optics, Painting and Photography”) and Professor Margaret Harker (first woman President of the RPS), and experiments by the presenter, this presentation will explore the relationship between how we see a building and the effect of using movements on a large format camera when photographing it. The aim is to understand perspective photographically and the effect of controlling it on the resultant image. The presentation will include paintings and drawings as well as photographs. It is part of a proposed Fellowship submission to the Research, Education and Application of Photography Panel of the RPS.

Jonathan Mather: 3D Imaging
Sharp Laboratories of Europe, UK
An overview of 3D photography, from shooting 3D with nothing but a standard camera, to user interfaces that interpret 3D gestures.

Dr Alan Hodgson ASIS FRPS: Taking Good Pictures of the Northern Lights
Taking good pictures of aurora offers significant challenges but some great rewards. This talk will go through some of the key points with a glance into the Imaging Science at work here. The talk will be illustrated with images from a 2 night photoshoot in Iceland.