On Saturday 13 December 2014, the Imaging Science Group of the Royal Photographic Society held another in its series of Good Picture tutorial seminars. The programme is detailed below together with links to some of the papers presented. These have been made available by kind permission of the authors. More may be added if and when the files become available to us.
This was the 12th in our series of annual Good Picture symposia. The aim of these lectures and discussions is to provide imaging practitioners, keen amateurs and students with insights into Digital Imaging and provide some tools and guidelines for assessing cameras and output.
Dr. Anthony Kaye ASIS FRPS: A Survey of Print Making Laboratories (PDF)
Joint RPS/University of Leeds Project
In the early days of “digital” there was considerable uncertainty as to how your prints would come out if you uploaded them to a laboratory offering print fulfilment services. This was due to many of the laboratories not operating with colour managed work flows. Now digital capture is commonplace for both consumers and professional photographers, and colour management is better understood. Thus the opportunity was taken to survey a number of laboratories to see the current “state of play” with regard to being able to produce high quality results from images containing embedded ICC profiles and images where the colour space is encoded via the EXIF data. This talk will review the findings of the survey.
Dr. Afzal Ansary ASIS FRPS: Scientific Imaging – An Essential Tool (PDF)
Co-ordinator, RPS International Images for Science Exhibition
Based on his over fifty years of experience in medical and scientific imaging Dr. Ansary was the ideal curator of the RPS’s two International Images for Science exhibitions in 2011 and 2013. Scientific images are usually confined to scientific institutions and only exchanged between scientists; this project was undertaken to create awareness of their importance in the general public. The presentation will discuss the development of the project from the initial idea through to its completion and will highlight the need of images in science and what role they play in research with examples from different imaging techniques used in various disciplines of modern science.
Dr. Hani Muammar MIET MIEEE: Identification of Source Digital Camera using the PRNU Image Sensor Noise Pattern (PDF, websites & references only)
Imaging Consultant
Images can be easily cloned or modified with commercially available software. The trustworthiness and history of an image therefore come into question when, for example, an image is used as evidence in a court of law. The photon response non-uniformity (PRNU) pattern of an image sensor is a unique fingerprint that has been applied to provide reliable image capture device detection and identification. In this talk, an overview of noise sources in imaging sensors will be given. The characteristics of the PRNU pattern will be described and existing methods for successfully identifying a source camera using its PRNU fingerprint will be presented.
John Charnock: Serious About Colour
Print Research International Ltd.
Are you serious about colour? High end colour accurate monitors are becoming more and more affordable. BenQ a leading Taiwanese electronics company has brought out some affordable hardware calibrated monitors that have good uniformity and colour integrity. In the session we will compare images viewed on different devices and discuss which ones you are able to confidently retouch and adjust. There will be a few monitors on site with card readers so that you can view your images and compare (please bring some images along).
Gary Evans ASIS FRPS: A Chemical Adventure in High-Speed Photography
Science Photo Library
Having found ourselves in possession of a large number of chemical samples, we decided the best thing to do was some chemistry under the watchful eye of a high-speed video camera. Watch what happens when alkali metal meets water at 2000 frames per second!
Dr. Nick McCormick: Digital Image Correlation for Measuring Large Scale Structures
National Physical Laboratory
Digital Image Correlation is a technique that tracks small sub-images from a pair of images and determines local alignment between the images (like a before and after change). This can be used to measure surface deformation due to environmental conditions or loading for example. Also by measuring how well the sub-images are correlated then it is possible to identify changes due to things like loss of material or changes due to water content in structures like railway tunnels. This talk will describe work at NPL using these techniques for in-situ measurement of structures at many different length scales.
Dr. Alan Hodgson ASIS FRPS: The Practical Art of Constellation Photography (PDF)
Taking pictures of the night sky involves an interesting mix of creative intent and image science. Take a tour across the cosmos with nothing more than a typical DSLR, standard camera lenses and a tripod. The presentation will show the types of images that can be achieved from typical urban settings.