
Recent events

Details are given here of presentations made at recent Imaging Science Group events, or by Group members, converted, where possible, into a web-friendly format.

Getting Your Pixels’ Worth (PDF)
A presentation given to the Western Region on 11th May 2014 by Tony Kaye.

Colour Management (PowerPoint ppsm file)
A presentation given to the Western Region on 11th May 2014 by Tony Kaye.
N.B. This presentation is a PowerPoint file so you will need to download the file and open it in PowerPoint to view it. It also features embedded java applets to demonstrate the mixing of colours, which may or may not work for you!

Colour Management (PDF)
A presentation given to the Western Region on 11th May 2014 by Tony Kaye. This is a PDF file of the above talk for those unable to take advantage of the PowerPoint special effects.

Image Permanence
A presentation given to Bury Photographic Society on 29th November 2012 by Alan Hodgson 3M UK PLC.

Why You Should Want to Shoot RAW (and what to watch out for!) (6.7Mb PDF)
Presentation by Tony Kaye at the Western Region Members Meeting held on 8 January 2012.

Good Picture 2010: Hot Topics in Imaging

Infrared 100

Symposium on Colour Imaging

Good Picture 2009: Making Imaging Work

Digital Futures 2009: Image Physics & Psychophysics

BCS Digital Photography Event
Digital Cameras: The Imaging Capture Path
Dr Tony Kaye

Good Picture 2008: Digital Opportunities

Digital Futures 2008: International Standards around Printing and Imaging

Good Picture 2007: The Imaging Chain

Digital Futures 2007: Visual Aspects of Imaging

Good Picture 2006: Management and Manipulation

Good Picture 2005: Inside Digital Output

Digital Futures 2005: Quantitative Aspects of Imaging

Good Picture 2004: Digital De-Mystified!
DIY Photoshop 101
Dr. Rob Jenkin, Cranfield University
We all rely on the marvellous results produced by packages such as Adobe Photoshop™ and Paintshop Pro™ – but how many of us know what’s under the bonnet? This talk lifts the lid on one of the core processes these packages use and encourages you to experiment by making your own. We’ll explore what actually happens when you sharpen, blur or find edges in an image. Strangely we’ll find they are all the same flavour. Uprate your Metro to a Ferrari by adding convolution to the tank!

Good Picture 2003: Assessing the Quality of Digital Images and Systems
Image Quality: Meanings, Minefields and Mastery
Professor Ralph Jacobson, University of Westminster
An essentially non-mathematical overview of various issues relating to image quality, including working definitions, transferability of concepts from conventional to digital systems, physical (objective) and psychophysical (subjective) measures.

Digital Cameras – Lovely Colour Isn’t It?
Professor Geoff Attridge, University of Westminster
An outline of the reproduction of colour by digital photography, addressing the characterisation of digital cameras in terms of the “colorimetric accuracy of colour reproduction”. Important limitations of colour reproduction are also be identified.

Digital Cameras – Choosing and Using
Dr. Mike Pointer, National Physical Laboratory
A review of the major decisions that must be made in order to choose a digital camera. The issues described include the concepts of pixels, resolution and compression, as well as taking the picture, downloading the stored image, and viewing and editing the image.

Archival Image Quality, Storage and Migration Strategies (0.9Mb Acrobat file)
Dr. Sophie Triantaphillidou, University of Westminster
An introduction to the processes involved in the digitisation, display and storage of image collections and archives. Description of device characterisation and calibration procedures are discussed, along with the important issues of image encoding, file format, physical storage and data migration.